Vendicari Reserve

What to do in Vendicari

Calamosche Beach


Itineraries of Vendicari

Welcome to the Vendicari Nature is an tourist guide with useful information, tips, and advices on how to get the most out of your trip discovering this beautiful reserve in Eastern Sicily! Don’t know what visit? Where to stay? How to organize your holiday? Relax… We’ll take care of it!
You can start enjoying your trip… Are you ready? LET’S GO!


The seabed of Vendicari, especially in rocky areas, is ideal for the lovers of Snorkeling. A small submarine garden of Eden all to explore. Each year there are many enthusiasts who among the branches of the Posidonia oceanica they glimpse the many wonders of these seabed: that they are...

Eloro Beach

The Beach of Eloro is located in the northern part of the reserve of Vendicari, near the most popular tourist beaches of Noto.It can be easily reached from the motorway Siracusa-Gela. Following the indications you can reach the parking place in about 10 minutes from the exit of Noto. The...

San Lorenzo beach

The beach of San Lorenzo is a very charming coast strech characterized by large beaches and small coves. The fine sand and a turquoise sea allows even children to enjoy the sea without any danger. The splendid coast has a pure heritage of great beaches and small coves. This beach is...

Tonnara of Vendicari

The tuna fishing has very ancient origins. We have graphic testimonials by engravings and rock paintings which date back to prehistoric times. The techniques of fishing and the tuna production, were refined over time until the Arabs, who spread the system of fixed networks divided into...

Sveva Tower of Vendicari

The tower of Vendicari is situated on the shore of the bay of Vendicari, in a very charming context, with the ruins of the ancient tonnara and after the cliffs, the beach and the small island of Vendicari. The Sveva Tower as we know it today is the result of various constructions and...

Marianelli beach

The beach of Marianelli is an isolated and unpolluted beach, inserted between almond trees, lemon trees and sand dunes enriched by a unique flora. It is located in the northern area of the reserve between the beaches of Eloro and Calamosche. It has shallow and clear waters and, in August...

The Flora of Vendicari

Vendicari since it’s “wetland coast area” it’s rich in water, but this abundance is ecologically diminished from their high content of salinity. Therefore, in its ecosystems only plants can live, able to adapt to this particular characteristic. They can do this in two...


Practiced mainly in autumn and spring, birdwatching is certainly one of the main attractions of the reserve. The cabanas of observation host each year many fans from all over Europe, amateurs and not, that armed with telescopes, cameras, or smartphones, seek to capture the perfect laying...

A clean and crystalline sea!

Vendicari and all the district of Noto are among the localities "rewarded" with the four blue sails of Legambiente again this year. This award is given after an evaluation of over 170 indicators. The parameters considered for the assignment of the sails are the quality and the cleanliness of the bathing water, the efficiency of recycling waste, the ecosustainable management of resources, the presence of pedestrian areas, the efficiency of the services, the appreciation of the landscape and local productions.

An important recognition for the town of Noto, which has been again awarded this year, is the commitment to continue preserving and protecting the beautiful territory of the wildlife oasis of Vendicari.

Discover the Legambiente Report

Riserva Vendicari