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What to do

Hiking Vendicari

Vendicari is an extended area of about 13 kilometres, including the entire coastline from Marzamemi to Avola… If you love long walks, you will appreciate this place. Four access points and 3 different paths, between steep cliffs, unspoilt sea, quagmires and forests of juniper. It is not exactly trekking as the slopes are not relevant, but each path covers about 3 km...


Practiced mainly in autumn and spring, birdwatching is certainly one of the main attractions of the reserve. The cabanas of observation host each year many fans from all over Europe, amateurs and not, that armed with telescopes, cameras, or smartphones, seek to capture the perfect laying of those hundreds of feathered that animate the quagmires. Fans or not, aware or...


The seabed of Vendicari, especially in rocky areas, is ideal for the lovers of Snorkeling. A small submarine garden of Eden all to explore. Each year there are many enthusiasts who among the branches of the Posidonia oceanica they glimpse the many wonders of these seabed: that they are shiny silver fish or colourful aquatic plants, it doesn’t really matter:...

What to do in Vendicari

What to do inside the reserve? There is only the embarrassment of the choice. For the bird lovers birdwatching is certainly of the most important activities of the reserve. Vendicari, as wetland coast area, is particularly important for the presence of morasses that serve as stopping place in bird migration. With over 13 km of sandy rocky coast and various paths...

Riserva Vendicari